
AtomJump's messaging products operate under a non-profit organisation, the 'AtomJump Foundation'. Previously, the New Zealand based company AtomJump Ltd. owned and operated the software and service. AtomJump Ltd is one of the founding members and financial supporters of the AtomJump Foundation. The Foundation's purpose is to:

Provide open source messaging tools, globally, that provide people with the ability to readily communicate using digital means.

The tools which the Foundation publishes will always be free, downloadable and 100% open source, and because of it's non-profit status, will aim to be commercially unbiased and without a profit motive. The organisation can provide the option, but it will always be an option, to host it's tools for paying customers. Any income derived from this hosting goes directly back into the Foundation itself, supporting it's staff, systems, and other purchases deemed to be required to operate the Foundation.

A full set of the society's rules is available here.
The society votes are held in public at the road-map.
You can also contact the Foundation directly.